Schedule for CS3251: Spring 2024

Here is a rough outline of the course schedule (this is subject to change at any time).


No class today

Note: All assignments are due by 8:00AM (Central) the day the assignments are due. Don't be late!!!

Yellow: Homework Due Today

Red: Quiz Today


January 2024

8th (Mon)

Introduction & Overview

10th (Wed)

Introduction to C++ & Tools

Chapters: 2 3 4 5

12th (Fri)

Classes Pt.1 (Basics): Big 3, Public, Private, Protected, Friend

Chapter: 7

15th (Mon)

No Class!


17th (Wed)

Tools - Introduction to Git & CI

19th (Fri)

Quiz 1 Today!

Tools - More Git

22nd (Mon)

Tools - Compiler Overview

24th (Wed)

Memory Model, Pointers, References

26th (Fri)

Quiz 2 Today!

Explicit, Exceptions & Stack Unwinding

29th (Mon)

Homework 1 Due at 8am!

Templates Pt. 1

31st (Wed)

Templates Pt. 2

February 2024

2nd (Fri)

Quiz 3 Today!

Intro to Patterns

5th (Mon)

Intro to Patterns & Command Pattern

7th (Wed)

Class Inheritance

Chapter: 15

9th (Fri)

Quiz 4 Today!


Chapters: 15.3 18.3

12th (Mon)

Homework 2 Due at 8am!

Operator Overloading 1

14th (Wed)

Operator Overloading 2 & Exam Review

16th (Fri)

Exam 1 Today!

Exam 1

19th (Mon)

Iterator Pattern

21st (Wed)

Bridge Pattern

23rd (Fri)

Quiz 5 Today!

Factory Pattern

26th (Mon)

Homework 3 Due at 8am!

Strong Exception Safety 1

28th (Wed)

Strong Exception Safety 2

March 2024

1st (Fri)

Quiz 6 Today!

STL Containers 1

4th (Mon)

STL Containers 2

6th (Wed)

Composite Pattern

8th (Fri)


11th (Mon)

No Class!

Spring Break

13th (Wed)

No Class!

Spring Break

15th (Fri)

No Class!

Spring Break

18th (Mon)

Homework 4 Due at 8am!

STL Algorithms 1

20th (Wed)

STL Algorithms 2

22nd (Fri)

Exam 2 Today!

Exam 2

25th (Mon)

Lambda Functions

27th (Wed)

Visitor Pattern

29th (Fri)

Working with Storage

April 2024

1st (Mon)

Homework 5 Due at 8am!

Debugging Exercise

3rd (Wed)

Reactor Pattern

5th (Fri)

Quiz 7 Today!

Template Pattern

8th (Mon)

Observer Pattern

10th (Wed)

Caching & Speed

12th (Fri)

Quiz 8 Today!

Working Session

15th (Mon)

Homework 6 Due at 8am!

Advanced Topics

17th (Wed)

Advanced Topics

19th (Fri)

Advanced Topics

22nd (Mon)

Final Exam Review