
The grade you will receive for this course will be determined as follows.








Grading Standard

No rounding is applied to your average.

A >= 93.00

A- >= 90.00

B+ >= 87.00

B >= 83.00

B- >= 80.00

C+ >= 77.00

C >= 73.00

C- >= 70.00

D+ >= 67.00

D >= 63.00

D- >= 60.00

F < 60.00

Quiz and Test Expectations

All quizzes and tests are announced well in advance on the schedule and begin immediately at the start of the class period. I expect students to be seated and ready before class starts. Students arriving late to class (even one minute) will not be allowed to take the quiz or exam and will receive a zero. You must also take all exams and quizzes with your assigned section. Any exceptional circumstances must be arranged with the instructor before the period.

Students with additional time accommodations should discuss with the instructor how they will be accommodated. Typically, extra time for quizzes can be handled in class by starting early. Extra time for exams is typically handled by the student taking the exam at the testing center.

Quiz and Test Expectations

All homework assignments involve C++ programming. We expect you to have strong programming backgrounds since all of you should have taken CS2201 (or equivalent). We expect you to put effort into adapting to C++ syntax and logic to be prepared for the rigor of the curriculum. We also expect you to use tools to help you be better, more productive, programmers.

  • Assignments must be submitted using GitHub; you will receive an email for every assignment which contains a link that you can follow to create a repository to submit the assignment.
  • The most recent commit on main of the GitHub repository you create prior to the assignment deadline will be considered your submission. This means that you must both commit to main and push to GitHub prior to the deadline for your submission to be considered!
  • Late submissions -- even those which are just one second late -- will not be graded, no exceptions.
  • To receive full credit, the CI build must complete successfully and run all associated tests.

Listed below are rules that will govern how your submissions will be graded.

General Grading Approach

  • 40% Execution correctness
  • 30% Structure (e.g., modularization, information hiding)
  • 10% Insightful programming (e.g., developing reusable class components)
  • 10% Consistent style (e.g., capitalization, indenting)
  • 10% Appropriate coding and commenting style, based on the Coding Standard document.

Deductions will be applied for each of multiple occurrences of the same error, up to three occurrences of said error, e.g. if 4% is deducted for each occurrence of some error, 12% can be deducted for three or more occurrences of said error.