🎉 Updated for the 2024 Spring Semester!

CS3251/5251 at Vanderbilt University

Taught by G. Hemingway

We are authors. And one thing about authors is that they have readers… The next time you write a line of code, remember you are an author, writing for readers who will judge your effort.

- Robert C. Martin, Clean Code


Our Suggested IDE.

CLion Logo


The Cross-Platform Compiler.

Clang Logo


Our Build Manager.

CMake Logo


Industry-Standard Version Control System.

Git Logo

Reference Materials

C++ Primer (5th Edition)

Lippman, Et. al.

Design Patterns

Gamma, Helm, et. al.

Effective Modern C++


The C++ Programming Language

Bjarne Stroustrup

Pro Git

Chacon and Straub

Other Useful Links

C++ Reference Documentation
Godbolt Compiler Explorer
Learn Modern C++